
Ortivus Visual Profile - Ortivus

With more than 30 years of experience in cardiology and medical technology, Ortivus is one of the market leaders in e- health.

This Swedish company's core focus has been to work with industry leaders in Advanced Life Support Ambulances, Basic Life Support Ambulances, Public Transport Ambulances and EMS to create their suite of life-saving equipment.

Their advanced MobiMed and Reanibex devices are designed to enable emergency staff to quickly and confidently provide patient care with unmatched technology and design.

R300 Modular AED

  • Biphasic up to 360J
  • Universal AED algorithm for adult and paediatric patients
  • CPR guidance device in real time (Push Pad)
  • Possibility to configure the screen on high contrast mode
  • "Autotraining" mode and "trainer" option with remote.

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G-Teic AnSpidéal,

An Spidéal,

Co. na Gaillimhe

